When we evaluate the viable treatment and disposal options for PFAS, we are often looking at thermal remediation and incineration technologies. With these processes we must measure the destruction efficiency of the target compounds of concern and monitor the stack gas for what PFAS PICs are being emitted into the ambient air. We should also be mindful of what emissions are occurring at facilities where PFAS chemicals are part of the manufacturing process. Increasing public awareness and recent legislation have prompted the EPA to commence the development of sampling and analytical tools for the assessment of these emissions.
This technical webinar will provide a discussion of pertinent aspects of EPA OTM-45 that should be carried out in order to generate exceptional PFAS data quality.
Some of the topics that will be covered during this session are as follows:
• A brief historical sketch of the technical differences between OTM-45 and EPA Method 0010,
• The technical coordination between the source testing team and the PFAS testing laboratory,
• An overview of the pre-test sampling train hardware preparations and test plan document setups,
• A brief discussion of PFAS background problems and how to circumvent the issues derived from them,
• And non-targeted analyses, Fluorotelomer Alcohols, and a projection of coming test objects for the source air industry.